SLS Affiliated Courses span all six Colleges. These courses teach students about "creating sustainable communities" from the perspective of their specific disciplines or course topics. They align with one or more parts of SLS' approach to creating sustainable communities.

Faculty: Request Course Affiliation

To Search By Faculty Member: Type in the faculty member's name in the search bar at the top right-hand corner of this page to see their courses and their involvement with SLS.

Interested in taking a course in the new Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design? Select that as a search criteria in the drop-down menu under Program.

Poetics of Sustainability: Ecology & Immigration

Summer 2018
ENGL 1102
Affiliated Courses

This course will explore the intersections of ecology and immigration as urgent social,…

Policy Tools for Environmental Management

Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019
CP 6223, PUBP 6314
Affiliated Courses, Sustainable Cities Minor

Given its wide impact on community well-being and the economy, it should be no surprise that U.S…

Policy, Trends, and Ethics in Real Estate Development

Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2019
BC 6370
Affiliated Courses

The course will focus on the application of market, community, and regulatory factors into…

Postcolonial Ecofeminism

Spring 2022
ENGL 1102
Affiliated Courses

This course will enable you to become a more effective communicator in various modes, media, and…

Postcolonial Ecofeminism

Spring 2022
ENGL 1102
Affiliated Courses

This course will enable you to become a more effective communicator in various modes, media, and…

Pre-Senior Design

Fall 2018, Summer 2018
ISYE 4800
Affiliated Courses

Senior Design is a mentored experience in which students begin the transition from school to…

Principles of Interaction Design

Fall 2018
LMC 3710
Affiliated Courses

In this course we will study and explore the principles and practices of interaction design. You…

Principles of Macroeconomics

Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Summer 2020, Spring 2020
ECON 2105
Affiliated Courses, Kendeda Building

Today is the perfect time to learn about macroeconomics! Current media discussions are…

Principles of Visual Design

Spring 2018, Spring 2017
LMC 2720
Affiliated Courses

Studio-based course that provides students with basic skills needed to create digital visual…

Problems in Biomedical Engineering

Summer 2017, Spring 2017
BMED 2250
Affiliated Courses

BMED 2250 employs a Problem/Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach to confront a problem from the…

Proctor Creek Wildlife Assessment Course

Summer 2018, Summer 2017
BIOL 4695
Affiliated Courses

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is collaborating with Georgia Tech's College of Sciences and…

Project Studio

Spring 2020
LMC 6650 CD
Affiliated Courses, Kendeda Building

What new cultures of computing are needed for the Anthropocene? How can we re-design the…

Project Studio (Local Data Design Lab)

Spring 2020, Fall 2019, Spring 2019, Fall 2018
LMC 6650
Affiliated Courses

This course seeks to engage graduate students (and advanced undergraduates) from across Georgia…

Project Studio: Resilience, Equity, and Design

Fall 2018
LMC 6650
Affiliated Courses

This course will be taught as a project studio in collaboration with from the City of Atlanta…

Project Studio: Technology

Spring 2020, Spring 2019
MUSI 3770
Affiliated Courses

The Undergraduate Project Studio course offered by the School of Music in Spring 2019 presents…

Prototyping Practices for Innovation

Spring 2019, Fall 2018, Spring 2018
ID 3803-CS
Affiliated Courses

Prototypes are typically thought of as nearly complete products or technologies which are used…

Psychology Research Methods for HCI

Fall 2019, Fall 2018, Fall 2017
PSYC 6023
Affiliated Courses

How do you know what a user wants to see on a wearable display, whether an app feature is being…

Public Health Analytics

Spring 2022, Spring 2020
CP 8853
Affiliated Courses

The socioecological model of public health clearly establishes the importance of physical and…

Public Health Policy in Practice (Special Topics)

Spring 2021
PUBP 4813
Affiliated Courses

“Public health policies saved your life today and you didn’t even know it.” This is how health…

Race to Zero Student Design Competition

Spring 2018, Spring 2017
ARCH 8903-JB
Affiliated Courses

This independent study is dedicated to completing Georgia Tech’s entry to the US Department of…

Race, Medicine, and Science

Fall 2019
HTS 3088
Affiliated Courses

The primary objective of this course is to study the interrelationship of race, medicine, and…

Race, Space, and Architecture in the United States

Spring 2023, Spring 2022
ARCH 4823, ARCH 6160, ARCH 6352
Affiliated Courses

This course is interdisciplinary by nature, referencing the projects and methodologies of…

Real Estate and Financial Development

Spring 2021, Spring 2020
CP 6611
Affiliated Courses, Kendeda Building

The purpose of this course is to enable students to understand the role finance plays in…

Reel Cities: Public Spaces and Social Issues

Fall 2021, Fall 2020
ML 8803, PERS 3813, ML 2500, LMC 3813, HTS 2813
Affiliated Courses

The Reel Cities: Public Spaces & Social Issues is a course where students learn about the…

Renewable Energy Systems

Spring 2017
ME 4823
Affiliated Courses

The goal of the Renewable Energy Systems technical elective (ME 4823) is to understand and…